Category Archives: Hack Space

Bypass sandbox and present an alert in other apps

There is a historic way to present your alert in other apps, which can date back to iOS 5 or even easier.

You can refer to those links.
Can you use CFUserNotification with IOS 5.1
Display CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert on iPhone Lock Screen
There is even a wiki page on iPhoneDevWiki, CFUserNotification.
(Update 1) Here is the official source code from Apple.

Recently, this guy who comes up with a possible way of using this old method to steal Apple ID.

Continue reading Bypass sandbox and present an alert in other apps




◯◯◯◯    →    正整数4
◯◯◯  → 正整数3



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禁止广告加到Safari的Reading List

打开某些网站的时候,页面上的广告会添加一些链接到Safari的Reading List中,然后参考了这个知乎页面的代码,其实就是模拟鼠标点击,十分常见的广告弹出方式,不过问题来了!学挖掘机哪家强?

这些广告弹出的JS代码是针对Windows的,在Win下绝大多数浏览器里,对于按住Shift键+鼠标点击一个URL的处理,是在新窗口中打开。而OS X中,Safari对这一事件的处理则是添加到Reading List!

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The analysis of how to specific a port to device with iOSOpenDev

Yesterday I wrote a post about How to specific a port to device with iOSOpenDev. It's more like a tutor due to lacking of the process of analysis. So I decide to write about the process how did I analyze it so you can add this feature on yourselves when iOSOpenDev updates someday.

I'll keep this post as simple as I can, but I'll assume you've already had some basic knowledge.

Continue reading The analysis of how to specific a port to device with iOSOpenDev