iOS7越狱,太极7小谈——My only concern is for the trust of my users


我这儿有一封来自optimo的email,原因是今年暑假时,我和Meirtz、Suu与某家公司合作(当然那次之后就再也没有了),他们对我们的Cydia插件重新打包,加了一个他们自己的App,在那个App中,你可以看到他们的Cydia插件,可以直接下载,这与现在的太极助手相似。在盈利模式上,那家公司选择了时间限制,通过下载他们的插件便可延长时间。而这次的太极选择了通过越狱工具捆绑给用户。当用户都从太极助手中下载插件时,那么就会有越狱开发者提交插件给太极助手,之后就有更多用户使用太极助手…如此循环。看似是一个不错的商业模式,但是用户却不能得知自己的隐私是否被保护,而360又是有“前科”的公司,这样的情况下,让人难以选择是否越狱。并且,Jay Freeman(saurik)Cydia作者,越狱插件基石Mobile Substrate作者表示

This email has been addressed to several persons, all CC in this email. It's important that you heed my words.

We received some complaints about these newly-introduced daemons and apps. The users are concerned about these new mysterious apps with the odd name.
I have decided we will no longer host your submissions unless you remove these new and mysterious components. It's not my interest to test these features or to knolw what data is being collected; my only concern is for the trust of my users. So until you can reverse course and reduce these items to their primary components as they once were in the early stages, they will be removed from our repo listings today and indefinitely. We want these packages to contain only the functionality bearing components.

You have not done an adequate job educating the users about this app and daemon, so it has gained the reputation of being suspect software. We simply do not need that type of exposure, so we will do what is necessary to clean up our catalog from items that draw suspicions in this manner.

Soon I will have queued for removal all your recent submissions that only now included a new app and daemon.
Please contact me together or indivually to respond, or submit an update for your product that contains no app or daemon.

Thank you


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