从零开始的 Rust 学习笔记(14) —— 计算图像相似度

上一篇 post 记录了 OpenCV 的编译脚本,当然是因为马上会用到啦~在 Rust 中要用 OpenCV 的话,则是需要用到 twistedfall/opencv-rust 这个 binding。使用方法其实倒也蛮简单,只不过 Rust 里面的函数没有参数默认值这个东西,于是在Rust 里使用 OpenCV 函数的时候,还能顺便记忆 OpenCV 里函数都有哪些参数╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭



当然话说回来,计算图像相似度本身是有很多种方法的,这里因为学习 Rust 为主要目的,于是暂且不在计算方法上做什么创新。后文中使用到的计算图像相似度的算法与参数取自 MoeOverflow 组织 @Shincurry 的 AnimeLoop 项目,详细的参数选择解释可以在 Shincurry 的博客里找到~ https://blog.windisco.com/animeloop-paper/

简单来说,我们会将图片转化为灰度图,然后缩放到 64x64 的大小,并转换其底层的数据类型为 f64,随后计算其相应的离散余弦变换「Discrate Cosine Transform」。

接着取离散余弦变换结果矩阵的左上 $16\times 16$ 的子矩阵,计算其均值,需要注意的是,$(0, 0)$ 的值要排除在外。因为 $(0, 0)$ 是其直流分量「DC coefficient」,如果用来计算平均值的话,则可能会明显影响计算结果。那么在计算平均值的时候的总个数就是 $16 \times 16 - 1$。

在有了左上角 $16 \times 16$ 矩阵的均值 $m$ 之后,就可以依次将这个 $16 \times 16$ 矩阵的每一个元素 $v_{(p, q)}$ 与 $m$ 相比较,如果 $v_{(p, q)} \lt m$,那么 pHash 字符串就最末尾增加 "1";否则则增加 "0"

在有了两张图片的 pHash 字符串 $\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{B}$ 之后,我们计算两个 pHash 的汉明距离「Hamming Distance」 $d$,然后相似度则为 $r = 1.0 - \frac{d}{l}$,其中 $l$ 为 pHash 字符串长度。

\begin{align} &d = 0\\ &l = 16\times 16\\ & \forall i \in [0, 16\times 16)\\ & \left\{ \begin{aligned} d = d + 1, &\, \mathcal{A}_i \lt \mathcal{B}_i\\ d = d + 0, &\, \mathcal{A}_i \ge \mathcal{B}_i \end{aligned} \right.\\ &r = 1.0 - \frac{d}{l} \end{align}

Rust 代码

其实在理清楚思路之后就蛮简单了,不过因为 Rust 的 OpenCV binding 是自动生成的,所以需要时不时查阅一下其源代码。

因为 C++ 的 OpenCV 里面有很多默认参数,在生成 Rust 代码时,这些带有默认参数的函数被重命名了,因此直接对应上 Rust 里的函数还是有点麻烦。好在 Rust 的 crate 网站上可以直接找到所有的函数、module、struct 等等,直接在上面查找还是很方便的~ https://docs.rs/opencv

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── image_similarity
    │   ├── error.rs
    │   ├── image_similarity.rs
    │   └── mod.rs
    └── main.rs

error.rs 是定义了一个 ImageSimilarityError 的 struct,用于把 OpenCV 的 Error 类型和我们计算时可能有的 Error 合在一个类里。

image_similarity.rs 就是本体了,最后由 mod.rs 将几个计算相似度的函数和 ImageSimilarityError 导出到 image_similarity:: 下。

main.rs 的话,还是用了 clap 来做 cli 参数的 parse,clap 这个 crate 确实蛮好用的~♪(´ε` )

项目的源代码在我的 GitHub 上,#/image-similarity ~这里就只贴一下重点的 image_similarity.rs 好了~

use opencv::core::{Mat, Scalar, Size_, dct, CV_64FC1};
use opencv::imgcodecs::imread;
use opencv::imgproc::{self, cvt_color, resize, COLOR_RGB2GRAY, COLOR_RGBA2GRAY};
use super::error::ImageSimilarityError;
use walkdir::WalkDir;

/// Compute the similarity of two given image
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let image_a = opencv::imgcodecs::imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE/A", 0).expect("Invaild image file a");
/// let image_b = opencv::imgcodecs::imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE/B", 0).expect("Invaild image file b");
/// match similarity(&image_a, &image_b, 64, 16) {
///    Ok(similarity) => println!("{}", similarity),
///    Err(e) => println!("{}", e),
/// }
/// ```
pub fn similarity(img_a: &Mat, img_b: &Mat, length: i32, dct_length: i32) -> Result<f64, ImageSimilarityError> {
    // of course length and dct_length should be greater than 0
    if length <= 0 { return Err(ImageSimilarityError { reason: format!("length should be a positive number instead of {}", length)}) }
    if dct_length <= 0 { return Err(ImageSimilarityError { reason: format!("dct_length should be a positive number instead of {}", length)}) }
    // try to compute phash for `img_a` and `img_b`
    let phash_img_a = compute_phash(img_a, length, dct_length)?;
    let phash_img_b = compute_phash(img_b, length, dct_length)?;
    // compute their hamming distance
    Ok(hamming_distance(&phash_img_a, &phash_img_b))

/// Compute similarities of all images with allowed extensions in given directory
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// match similarity_directory("/PATH/TO/A/DIRECTORY", &vec!["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]) {
///    Some(result) => println!("{:#?}", result),
///    None => println!("No available images with given extensions in the given directory"),
/// };
/// ```
pub fn similarity_directory(directory: &str, allowed_ext: &Vec<&str>) -> Option<Vec<(f64, String, String)>> {
    // compute all phashes in directory with given allowed file extensions
    let all_image_file = compute_phash_directory(directory, allowed_ext);
    // the result should be an array of tuple (similarity, image a, image b)
    let mut result: Vec<(f64, String, String)> = Vec::new();
    match all_image_file.len() {
        // 0 is boring
        0 => None,
        // so is 1 
        1 => {
            result.push((1.0, all_image_file[0].0.clone(), all_image_file[0].0.clone()));
        _ => {
            // compute hamming distance for all image pairs
            for a_index in 0..(all_image_file.len() - 1) {
                for b_index in (a_index + 1)..all_image_file.len() {
                    let img_a_data = &all_image_file[a_index];
                    let img_b_data = &all_image_file[b_index];
                    result.push((hamming_distance(&img_a_data.1, &img_b_data.1), img_a_data.0.clone(), img_b_data.0.clone()));
            // sort by similarity desc
            result.sort_by(|a, b| b.0.partial_cmp(&a.0).unwrap());

/// Compute similarities of given image with all images that ends in allowed extensions in given directory
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let image = opencv::imgcodecs::imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE", 0).expect("Invaild image file");
/// match similarity_file_directory(&image, "/PATH/TO/A/DIRECTORY", &vec!["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]) {
///    Some(result) => println!("{:#?}", result),
///    None => println!("No available images with given extensions in the given directory"),
/// };
/// ```
pub fn similarity_file_directory(image: &Mat, directory: &str, allowed_ext: &Vec<&str>) -> Result<Option<Vec<(f64, String)>>, ImageSimilarityError> {
    let image_phash = compute_phash(&image, 64, 16)?;
    // compute all phashes in directory with given allowed file extensions
    let all_image_file = compute_phash_directory(directory, allowed_ext);
    match all_image_file.len() {
        // 0 is boring
        0 => Ok(None),
        _ => {
            // compute hamming distance for all image pairs
            // the result should be an array of tuple (similarity, image in directory)
            let mut result: Vec<(f64, String)> = all_image_file.iter().map(|image_data| {
                (hamming_distance(&image_phash, &image_data.1), image_data.0.clone())
            // sort by similarity desc
            result.sort_by(|a, b| b.0.partial_cmp(&a.0).unwrap());

/// Compute all phashes in directory with given allowed file extensions
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// println!("{:#?}", compute_phash_directory("/PATH/TO/A/DIRECTORY"));
/// ```
fn compute_phash_directory(directory: &str, allowed_ext: &Vec<&str>) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
    // walk given directory
        .filter_map(|e| e.ok()) // keep all ok files
        .filter_map(|file_entry| {
            // filter by user given allowed file extensions
            // store path to the file
            let filepath = file_entry.path().to_str().unwrap();
            // split file path by `.`
            let parts: Vec<&str> = filepath.split('.').collect();
            // check whether the extension is allowed
            if let Some(_) = allowed_ext.iter().find(|&&ext| ext == parts[parts.len() - 1]) {
                // keep
            } else {
                // no
        }).filter_map(|file| {
            // with all files with allowed extensions
            // try to load the file as image
            let img = match imread(&file, 0) {
                // proceed next step if successfully opened
                Ok(img) => img,
                // otherwise throw this file
                Err(_) => return None,
            // compute phash of this file with resize length 64 and dct length 16
            match compute_phash(&img, 64, 16) {
                // if nothing goes wrong while computing phash
                // then return a tuple, (filepath, phash)
                Ok(phash) => Some((file, phash)),
                // otherwise throw this file
                Err(_) => None

/// Compute pHash of given image
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let image = opencv::imgcodecs::imread("/PATH/TO/IMAGE", 0).expect("Invaild image file");
/// match compute_phash(&image, 64, 16) {
///    Ok(phash) => println!("{}", phash),
///    Err(e) => println!("{}", e),
/// }
/// ```
fn compute_phash(img: &Mat, length: i32, dct_length: i32) -> Result<String, ImageSimilarityError> {
    // we need the image to be grayscale and resized to a reasonable size
    fn assert_gray_and_size(img: &Mat, length: i32) -> Result<Mat, ImageSimilarityError> {
        // create a new Mat for the gray image
        let mut gray = Mat::default()?;
        // check number of channels of orginal image
        match img.channels()? {
            // it's already a grayscale image
            // just copy it
            1 => gray = img.clone()?,
            // for image with 3 or 4 channels,
            // convert it to grayscale
            3 => cvt_color(&img, &mut gray, COLOR_RGB2GRAY, 0)?,
            4 => cvt_color(&img, &mut gray, COLOR_RGBA2GRAY, 0)?,
            // we don't support image with any other number of channels
            _ => return Err(ImageSimilarityError { reason: format!("Image with {} channels is not supported yet", img.channels().unwrap()) }),
        // create a new Mat for the resized image
        let mut resized = Mat::default()?;
        // specific size
        let size = Size_::new(length, length);
        // and resize the original image
        resize(&gray, &mut resized, size, 0.0, 0.0, imgproc::INTER_LINEAR)?;
    // try to get the resized and grayscale image
    let resized_gray = assert_gray_and_size(&img, length)?;

    // convert the underlaying type of resized_gray into double
    let mut double_type_img = Mat::new_rows_cols_with_default(resized_gray.rows()?, resized_gray.cols()?, CV_64FC1, Scalar::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))?;
    Mat::convert_to(&resized_gray, &mut double_type_img, CV_64FC1, 1.0, 0.0)?;
    // and then do dct
    let mut dct_img = Mat::default()?;
    dct(&double_type_img, &mut dct_img, 0)?;
    // compute the mean value of dct image
    let mut mean: f64 = 0.0;
    for row in 0..dct_length {
        for col in 0..dct_length {
            mean += dct_img.at(row + col * length)?;
    // remember to substract the first value of dct
    mean -= dct_img.at(0)?;
    mean /= (length * length - 1) as f64;
    // build the phash string of the given image
    let mut phash = String::new();
    for row in 0..dct_length {
        for col in 0..dct_length {
            let value: &f64 = dct_img.at(row + col * length)?;
            if value < &mean { 
            } else {


/// Compute hamming distance of two given string
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// println!("{}", hamming_distance(&String::from("111"), &String::from("101")));
/// ```
fn hamming_distance(a: &String, b: &String) -> f64 {
    // get length of two strings
    let len1 = a.len();
    let len2 = b.len();
    // we only compute the hamming distance if the lengths are equal, but expect 0
    match (len1, len2, len1 - len2) {
        (_, _, 0) => {
            let mut dist: f64 = 0.0;
            for i in 0..len1 {
                if a.chars().nth(i) != b.chars().nth(i) {
                    dist += 1.0;
            1.0 - dist / (len1 as f64)
        (0, _, _) => 0.0,
        (_, 0, _) => 0.0,
        (_, _, _) => 0.0,

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