从零开始的 Rust 学习笔记(19) —— Rewrite insert_dylib in Rust

最近鹹魚了蠻長一段時間,發現大約有一個多月沒有寫這個系列了,今天繼續學習 Rust 好啦!雖然有在看「The Rust Programming Language」,但是還是得寫寫的~想了一會兒之後,決定把在「另一种方法获取 macOS 网易云音乐的正在播放」裡用過的 insert_dylib 用 Rust 重寫一下(^O^)/

insert_dylib 本身來說並不複雜,但因為不像 C/C++/Objective-C 裡那樣可以直接 #import <mach-o/loader.h> 等,於是 MachO 的一些 struct 就需要自己在 Rust 中重寫一遍~

當然,實際上也可以用 Rust 寫個 Parser,然後去 parse 這些 header 文件,並且自動生成 Rust 的 struct。可是我太懶了,留到下次試試看好啦(咕咕咕) 這次的就放在 GitHub 上了,insert_dylib_rs

不過需要注意的就是有個 BigEndian 和 LittleEndian 的問題,不同的 MachO 使用的可能不一樣,因此就增加了一個 swap_bytes! 的 macro 和一個 FixMachOStructEndian 的 trait

src/macho/macho.rs 裡隨機選一個 struct 出來展示的話,大約就是如下這樣子

use super::prelude::*;

macro_rules! swap_bytes {
    ($self:ident, $field_name:ident) => {
        $self.$field_name = $self.$field_name.swap_bytes();

pub trait FixMachOStructEndian {
    fn fix_endian(&mut self);

pub struct SymtabCommand {
    pub cmd: u32,
    pub cmdsize: u32,
    pub symoff: u32,
    pub nsyms: u32,
    pub stroff: u32,
    pub strsize: u32,

impl SymtabCommand {
    pub fn from(buffer: [u8; 24], is_little_endian: bool) -> SymtabCommand {
        let sc_buffer: [u32; 6] =
            unsafe { std::mem::transmute_copy::<[u8; 24], [u32; 6]>(&buffer) };
        let mut symtab_command = SymtabCommand {
            cmd: sc_buffer[0],
            cmdsize: sc_buffer[1],
            symoff: sc_buffer[2],
            nsyms: sc_buffer[3],
            stroff: sc_buffer[4],
            strsize: sc_buffer[5],

        if is_little_endian {


    pub fn to_u8(&self) -> [u8; 24] {
        let mut data: [u32; 6] = [0u32; 6];
        data[0] = self.cmd;
        data[1] = self.cmdsize;
        data[2] = self.symoff;
        data[3] = self.nsyms;
        data[4] = self.stroff;
        data[5] = self.strsize;

        unsafe { std::mem::transmute_copy::<[u32; 6], [u8; 24]>(&data) }

impl FixMachOStructEndian for SymtabCommand {
    fn fix_endian(&mut self) {
        swap_bytes!(self, cmd);
        swap_bytes!(self, cmdsize);
        swap_bytes!(self, symoff);
        swap_bytes!(self, nsyms);
        swap_bytes!(self, stroff);
        swap_bytes!(self, strsize);

src/prelude.rs 裡就是這裡用到的一些 MachO Header 或者 Load Commands 的常量了

pub const MH_CIGAM_64: u32 = 0xcffaedfe;
pub const MH_MAGIC_64: u32 = 0xfeedfacf;
pub const MH_CIGAM: u32 = 0xcefaedfe;
pub const MH_MAGIC: u32 = 0xfeedface;
pub const FAT_MAGIC: u32 = 0xcafebabe;
pub const FAT_CIGAM: u32 = 0xbebafeca;

pub const LC_REQ_DYLD: u32 = 0x80000000;
pub const LC_SEGMENT: u32 = 0x01;
pub const LC_SYMTAB: u32 = 0x02;
pub const LC_SEGMENT_64: u32 = 0x19;
pub const LC_CODE_SIGNATURE: u32 = 0x1d;
pub const LC_LOAD_DYLIB: u32 = 0x0c;
pub const LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB: u32 = 0x18 | LC_REQ_DYLD;

Rust 裡的 std::fs::File 雖然提供了很多功能,但是這裡還需需要再擴展出來幾個,方便修改文件的時候使用。那麼擴展的話,就是在 src/extensions.rs 裡為 File 增加了 1 個 trait,這個 trait 中就包含了 insert_dylib 經常會用到的一些函數

use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::SeekFrom;

pub trait InsertDylibFileExt {
    /// Read exactly `buf.len()` bytes and then rewind the file cursor `buf.len()` bytes
    fn fpeek(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<()>;
    /// Overwrite `len` zeros to file starting from `offset` (from beginning)
    fn fbzero(&mut self, offset: u64, len: u64) -> io::Result<()>;
    /// memmove alike, but on file
    fn fmemmove(&mut self, dst: u64, src: u64, len: u64) -> io::Result<()>;
    /// Get current file cursor position
    fn ftello(&mut self) -> u64;

把這部分實現完之後,就可以直接開始寫 src/main.rs 了。

對於 「insert dylib」這個操作本身,簡單來說就是在 Load Commands 部分找到一塊空白區域,然後增加一條「DylibCommand」,裡面就是包含了需要 insert 的 dylib 的路徑。最後在寫回 MachHeader 的時候,讓 ncmds 增加 1 即可~

use std::cmp::min;
use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions};
use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::SeekFrom;

mod extensions;
mod macho;
mod opts;
mod utils;

use extensions::InsertDylibFileExt;
use macho::macho::*;
use macho::prelude::*;
use opts::Opts;
use utils::*;

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let options = parse_arg();
    let lc_name = match options.weak {
        true => "LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB",
        false => "LC_LOAD_DYLIB",

    std::fs::copy(&options.binary_path, &options.output_path)?;
    let mut binary_file = OpenOptions::new()
    let mut filesize = binary_file.metadata()?.len();

    let mut magic_buffer = [0; 4];
    binary_file.read_exact(&mut magic_buffer)?;

    let magic_buffer = unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<[u8; 4], u32>(magic_buffer) };

    match magic_buffer {
        MH_CIGAM_64 | MH_MAGIC_64 | MH_CIGAM | MH_MAGIC => {
            if insert_dylib(&mut binary_file, 0, &options, &mut filesize)? {
                binary_file.set_len(filesize as u64)?;
                println!("Added {} to {}", lc_name, options.binary_path);
            } else {
                println!("Failed to add {}", lc_name);
        FAT_MAGIC | FAT_CIGAM => {
            let is_little_endian = magic_buffer == FAT_CIGAM;

            let mut fat_header_buffer = [0u8; 8];
            binary_file.read_exact(&mut fat_header_buffer)?;
            let mut fh = FatHeader::from(fat_header_buffer, is_little_endian);

            let nfat_arch = fh.nfat_arch as usize;
            println!("Binary is a fat binary with {} archs.", nfat_arch);

            let mut archs: Vec<FatArch> = Vec::new();
            for _arch_index in 0..nfat_arch {
                let mut arch_buffer = [0u8; 20];
                binary_file.read_exact(&mut arch_buffer)?;
                archs.push(FatArch::from(arch_buffer, is_little_endian));

            let mut fails = 0usize;
            let mut offset: u64 = 0;
            if nfat_arch > 0 {
                offset = archs[0].offset as u64;
                if !is_little_endian {
                    offset = offset.swap_bytes();

            let _ = archs
                .map(|(arch_index, current_arch)| -> io::Result<()> {
                    let orig_offset = current_arch.offset as u64;
                    let orig_slice_size = current_arch.size as u64;

                    let mut align: u32 = 1 << current_arch.align;
                    if !is_little_endian {
                        align = align.swap_bytes();

                    offset = round_up_u64(offset, align as u64);

                    if orig_offset != offset {
                        binary_file.fmemmove(offset, orig_offset, orig_slice_size)?;
                        let diff = (offset as i64 - orig_offset as i64).abs() as u64;
                        binary_file.fbzero(min(offset, orig_offset) + orig_slice_size, diff)?;
                        current_arch.offset = offset as u32;

                    let mut slice_size = orig_slice_size;
                    let ret = insert_dylib(&mut binary_file, offset, &options, &mut slice_size)?;
                    if !ret {
                        println!("Failed to add {} to arch #{}", lc_name, arch_index + 1);
                        fails += 1;

                    if slice_size < orig_slice_size && arch_index < nfat_arch - 1 {
                        binary_file.fbzero(offset + slice_size, orig_slice_size - slice_size)?;

                    filesize = offset + slice_size;
                    offset += slice_size;
                    current_arch.size = slice_size as u32;


            if is_little_endian {

            let _ = archs
                .map(|current_arch| -> io::Result<()> {
                    if is_little_endian {


            binary_file.set_len(filesize as u64)?;
            if fails == 0 {
                println!("Added {} to all archs in {}", lc_name, options.binary_path);
            } else if fails != nfat_arch {
                    "Added {} to {}/{} archs in {}",
                    nfat_arch - fails,
            } else {
                println!("Failed to add {} to any archs.", lc_name)
        _ => {
            println!("Not a MachO binary: {}", options.binary_path);


fn insert_dylib(
    mut binary_file: &mut File,
    header_offset: u64,
    options: &Opts,
    slice_size: &mut u64,
) -> io::Result<bool> {

    let mut header_buffer = [0u8; 32];
    binary_file.read_exact(&mut header_buffer)?;

    let mut mach_header = MachHeader::from(header_buffer);
    match mach_header.magic {
        MH_CIGAM_64 | MH_MAGIC_64 | MH_CIGAM | MH_MAGIC => (),
        _ => {
            println!("Unknown MachO header magic: {:08x}", mach_header.magic);

    let commands_offset = header_offset + mach_header.len();
    let cont = check_load_commands(
        &mut binary_file,
        &mut mach_header,
    if !cont {
        return Ok(true);

    let path_padding = 8u32;
    let dylib_path_len = options.dylib_path.len() as u32;
    let dylib_path_size = (dylib_path_len & !(path_padding - 1)) + path_padding;
    let cmdsize: u32 = dylib_path_size + DylibCommand::len() as u32;

    let mut dylib_command = DylibCommand::default();
    dylib_command.cmd = match options.weak {
        true => LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB,
        false => LC_LOAD_DYLIB,
    dylib_command.cmdsize = cmdsize;
    dylib_command.dylib.name_offset = DylibCommand::len() as u32;
    dylib_command.dylib.timestamp = 0;
    dylib_command.dylib.current_version = 0;
    dylib_command.dylib.compatibility_version = 0;

    let mut sizeofcmds = mach_header.sizeofcmds;
    if MachHeader::is_little_endian(mach_header.magic) {
        sizeofcmds = sizeofcmds.swap_bytes();
    binary_file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(commands_offset + sizeofcmds as u64))?;

    let mut space: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    space.resize(cmdsize as usize, 0);
    binary_file.read_exact(&mut space[..])?;

    let mut empty = true;
    for i in 0..(cmdsize as usize) {
        if space[i] != 0 {
            empty = false;

    if !empty {
        println!("It doesn't seem like there is enough empty space. Will continue though...");

    binary_file.seek(SeekFrom::Current(0 - cmdsize as i64))?;

    sizeofcmds += cmdsize;

    if MachHeader::is_little_endian(mach_header.magic) {
        mach_header.ncmds = (mach_header.ncmds.swap_bytes() + 1).swap_bytes();
        mach_header.sizeofcmds = sizeofcmds.swap_bytes();
    } else {
        mach_header.ncmds = mach_header.ncmds + 1;
        mach_header.sizeofcmds = sizeofcmds;



fn check_load_commands(
    binary_file: &mut File,
    mach_header: &mut MachHeader,
    header_offset: u64,
    commands_offset: u64,
    options: &Opts,
    slice_size: &mut u64,
) -> io::Result<bool> {

    let is_little_endian = MachHeader::is_little_endian(mach_header.magic);

    let ncmds = mach_header.ncmds;

    let mut linkedit_32_pos = -1i64;
    let mut linkedit_64_pos = -1i64;
    let mut linkedit_32 = SegmentCommand::default();
    let mut linkedit_64 = SegmentCommand64::default();

    let mut symtab_pos = -1i64;

    let mut skip_fbzero_before_fix_header = false;
    for i in 0..ncmds {
        let mut load_command_buffer = [0u8; 8];
        binary_file.fpeek(&mut load_command_buffer)?;

        let lc = LoadCommand::from(load_command_buffer, is_little_endian);

        match lc.cmd {
            LC_CODE_SIGNATURE => {
                if i == ncmds - 1 {
                    if !options.strip_codesign {
                        return Ok(true);

                    let mut linkedit_data_command_buffer = [0u8; 16];
                    binary_file.fpeek(&mut linkedit_data_command_buffer)?;

                    let cmd =
                        LinkeditDataCommand::from(linkedit_data_command_buffer, is_little_endian);

                    let current_offset = binary_file.ftello();
                    binary_file.fbzero(current_offset, lc.cmdsize as u64)?;

                    let mut linkedit_fileoff = 0u64;
                    let mut linkedit_filesize = 0u64;

                    if linkedit_32_pos != -1 {
                        linkedit_fileoff = linkedit_32.fileoff as u64;
                        linkedit_filesize = linkedit_32.filesize as u64;
                    } else if linkedit_64_pos != -1 {
                        linkedit_fileoff = linkedit_64.fileoff;
                        linkedit_filesize = linkedit_64.filesize;
                    } else {
                        println!("Warning: __LINKEDIT segment not found.");

                    if linkedit_32_pos != -1 || linkedit_64_pos != -1 {
                        if is_little_endian {
                            linkedit_fileoff = linkedit_fileoff.swap_bytes();
                            linkedit_filesize = linkedit_filesize.swap_bytes();

                        if linkedit_fileoff + linkedit_filesize != *slice_size {
                            println!("Warning: __LINKEDIT segment is not at the end of the file, so codesign will not work on the patched binary.");
                        } else {
                            if (cmd.dataoff + cmd.datasize) as u64 != *slice_size {
                                println!("Warning: Codesignature is not at the end of __LINKEDIT segment, so codesign will not work on the patched binary.");
                            } else {
                                *slice_size -= cmd.datasize as u64;

                                if symtab_pos == -1 {
                                    println!("Warning: LC_SYMTAB load command not found. codesign might not work on the patched binary.");
                                } else {
                                    binary_file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(symtab_pos as u64))?;
                                    let mut symtab_command_buffer = [0u8; 24];
                                    binary_file.fpeek(&mut symtab_command_buffer)?;
                                    let mut symtab = SymtabCommand::from(
                                    let diffsize = (symtab.stroff + symtab.strsize) as i64
                                        - (*slice_size as i64);
                                    if -16 <= diffsize && diffsize <= 0 {
                                        symtab.strsize =
                                            ((symtab.strsize as i32) - (diffsize as i32)) as u32;
                                        if is_little_endian {
                                            symtab.strsize = symtab.strsize.swap_bytes();

                                    } else {
                                        println!("Warning: String table doesn't appear right before code signature. codesign might not work on the patched binary. {:016x}", diffsize);

                                linkedit_filesize -= cmd.datasize as u64;
                                let linkedit_vmsize = round_up_u64(linkedit_filesize, 0x1000);

                                if linkedit_32_pos != -1 {
                                    linkedit_32.filesize = linkedit_filesize as u32;
                                    linkedit_32.vmsize = linkedit_vmsize as u32;

                                    if is_little_endian {
                                        linkedit_32.filesize = linkedit_32.filesize.swap_bytes();
                                        linkedit_32.vmsize = linkedit_32.vmsize.swap_bytes();

                                    binary_file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(linkedit_32_pos as u64))?;
                                } else {
                                    linkedit_64.filesize = linkedit_filesize;
                                    linkedit_64.vmsize = linkedit_vmsize;

                                    if is_little_endian {
                                        linkedit_64.filesize = linkedit_64.filesize.swap_bytes();
                                        linkedit_64.vmsize = linkedit_64.vmsize.swap_bytes();

                                    binary_file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(linkedit_64_pos as u64))?;

                                skip_fbzero_before_fix_header = true;

                    if !skip_fbzero_before_fix_header {
                            .fbzero(header_offset + cmd.dataoff as u64, cmd.datasize as u64)?;

                    let new_sizeofcmds = mach_header.sizeofcmds - lc.cmdsize;
                    fix_header(mach_header, ncmds - 1, new_sizeofcmds);
                } else {
                    println!("LC_CODE_SIGNATURE is not the last load command, so couldn't remove.");
                let mut dylib_command_buffer = [0u8; 24];
                binary_file.fpeek(&mut dylib_command_buffer)?;
                let dylib_command = DylibCommand::from(dylib_command_buffer, is_little_endian);

                let mut dylib_name_buffer: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(lc.cmdsize as usize);
                dylib_name_buffer.resize(lc.cmdsize as usize, 0);
                binary_file.fpeek(&mut dylib_name_buffer)?;

                let dylib_name_start: usize = dylib_command.dylib.name_offset as usize;
                let dylib_name_max_index = lc.cmdsize as usize;
                let mut dylib_name_end = 0;

                for index in dylib_name_start..dylib_name_max_index {
                    if dylib_name_buffer[index] == 0 {
                        dylib_name_end = index;
                let name = match String::from_utf8(
                ) {
                    Ok(name) => name,
                    Err(e) => {
                        println!("Cannot get dylib path for load command at {}: {}", i, e);

                if name.eq(&options.dylib_path) {
                    println!("Binary already contains a load command for that dylib.");
                    return Ok(true);
            LC_SEGMENT | LC_SEGMENT_64 => {
                if lc.cmd == LC_SEGMENT {
                    let mut segment_command_buffer = [0u8; 56];
                    binary_file.fpeek(&mut segment_command_buffer)?;
                    let cmd = SegmentCommand::from(segment_command_buffer, is_little_endian);
                    if get_segname(&cmd.segname).eq("__LINKEDIT".into()) {
                        linkedit_32_pos = binary_file.ftello() as i64;
                        linkedit_32 = cmd;
                } else {
                    let mut segment_command_buffer = [0u8; 72];
                    binary_file.fpeek(&mut segment_command_buffer)?;
                    let cmd = SegmentCommand64::from(segment_command_buffer, is_little_endian);
                    if get_segname(&cmd.segname).eq("__LINKEDIT".into()) {
                        linkedit_64_pos = binary_file.ftello() as i64;
                        linkedit_64 = cmd;
            LC_SYMTAB => {
                symtab_pos = binary_file.ftello() as i64;
            _ => (),
        binary_file.seek(SeekFrom::Current(lc.cmdsize as i64))?;


fn fix_header(mach_header: &mut MachHeader, ncmds: u32, sizeofcmds: u32) {
    mach_header.ncmds = ncmds;
    mach_header.sizeofcmds = sizeofcmds;

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